Marc Godfrey Animator

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

A little piece of Big Bang Animation from me...

Feels like ages since I posted something, so thought I would share my latest piece of animation. It's not finished, there's still work to do and tweaks to make before it's worthy.

Anyway, hope you like it, and the joke doesn't make you groan too much :) the way, do you recognise the voice?

Tuesday, 12 February 2013


Woah! Soooooo BRAVE has won the BAFTA for Best Animation! Why oh why, wasn't it RISE OF THE GUARDIANS? It was such a better film all round...tsk tsk.

The Making of Longbird - Will Anderson, Ainslie Henderson also won a BAFTA for best Short Animation...can't say I've heard of it, so I'm eager to find out more!

With awards season well and truly in full swing, what delights will 2013 bring for the next round?

Friday, 8 February 2013

When Facing Fear, get Inspired!

Animation Dreaming

My last official day in my post at work is drawing ever closer. The anxiety and sense of fear that is starting to creep up on me, is getting louder. Am I doing the right thing? Should I be working full time whilst fixing up my showreel? Is it sensible to be giving up work without another job to go to?

Who knows! Well, I'm not leaving work completely, I am going back, but in a different role, and less hours. It feels like a good idea. But it also feels foolish. I guess I'm scared about not being good enough to make it in the world of Animation, and not being able to get a job. I'll get there though, I know it. I can feel it. Secretly though, I'm scared.

Our course at Escape finishes on Tuesday too. I'm scared.

So, um, yeah. Happy Friday everyone!

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Reunited with an Old Friend!

Vintage Garfield T-shirts - circa 1988
Whilst clearing out a load of long forgotten junk, I stumbled across these little beauties; my treasured Garfield t-shirts I used to wear as a kid.

I used to be obsessed with Garfield. I had all the books and comics, spent hours drawing out my favourite Garfield characters and making cutouts for my bedroom wall. I used watch Garfield and Friends repeatedly on TV. I.was.obsessed.

I couldn't let them go to charity, had to keep them and thought I'd share here. Garfield's creator, Jim Davis, really inspired me to draw when I was perhaps if it wasn't for him and his beloved Garfield creation, I might not be where I am today, vying for a career in Animation. Garfield rocks!

Monday, 4 February 2013

Getting an Animation job!

I'm not yet at the stage where I'm job hunting. I still have a lot of work to do on my showreel. I'm very excited about what the future holds though.

Escape studios posted a blog by HaZ Dulull, offering his advice about getting work, in what is, a very competitive arena. You can get to the pearls of wisdom through the Escape link, or through here: Part 1: The ShowreelPart 2: Finding the right approach and lastly Part 3: Networking

An excellent read - jammed packed with really useful tips and advice. Big thumbs up!

Friday, 1 February 2013

Paperman! Paperman! Paperman!

I just saw the new Disney Short, to be screened before the UK's eagerly anticipated release of Wreck It Ralph...Paperman.

Ok, WOW! It lives up to the high quality standard we've come to expect from the Disney shorts. Sublime animation, beautiful music and perhaps more importantly, a gripping and gorgeous story!
